cam welsh

illusionist - funnyMan - evangelist

Cam is an award winning Christian Magician.

With a stand out, memorable and comedic style of presentation. From stage shows, to close-up magic, Cam will grab the audience’s attention and leave them both perplexed and amazed!

From doing the impossible with a Rubik’s cube to escaping from a Straitjacket, witness amazing things including his faith in Jesus Christ which he loves to share using his unique blend of illusions and comedy gifts God has given him.

Who is Cam Welsh


Illusionist, Magician, in short Cam is a performer who using skill and a lot of practice to engage his audience so he can share is faith in Christ. 


“Hilarious!” As stated by Cam’s wife on a daily basis. Cam will have you belly laughing throughout as he brings comedy and funny antics to the stage.


Cam is not just a dude that does tricks. He’s a passionate follower of Jesus who shares his faith and salvation through Jesus, in every show and partners with churches to bring life change through Jesus.

What people are saying!

We have had Cam entertain us with his magic show on a number of occasions at our Kids Church Christmas parties. We have never been disappointed, not only has the performance been mesmerising, with all ages engrossed and delighted by his skills, but he is able to include children and make them feel part of the show. Cam has a real gift in turning his tricks and magic acts into a great illustration and explanation of the gospel message that says with you long after the show has finished.

Joy wooffindin

Kids and family Worker

How can I help your church

I love to work with churches to communicate the gospel in an entertaining, interactive and powerful way. My heart is to see life changing transformation through the gospel.

let's work together!

I’d love to join you at your next church event

Whether you’re running a evangelism evening, youth camp, Alpha weekend or just want a host for our church quiz night 

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